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Teaching now Living-Part 21-Signage and Simple Steps

As Dementia progresses basic direction can become difficult for the cognitively impaired to follow. Giving direction through writing or signage can help to maximize function. Signs reminding Ellie to walk with her walker for example have helped to increase her compliance using the walker. We use written direction for Ellie in other ways. Previously it was difficult for her to make herself a cup of tea on the hot stove, however, purchasing a Keurig and leaving written direction on her whiteboard lets her remain independent. Sarah posted another white board in her bathroom reminding Ellie the steps of her morning routine and she is able to read the simple instructions and independently readys herself on the mornings without her personal assistant.

Tip: Simple, written words can be powerful to maximize the person with Alzheimer's functional independence. Use whiteboards and signage to maximize independence. Label drawers in bedrooms and kitchen. Whiteboards and signage are helpful in the early stage and in to the beginning middle stages as an individuals can still recognize words.

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