C&V to present at NEHCC Conference
Why Should You Provide Behavioral Health Now?
May 12 @ 11:15 am – 12:15 pm The Covid-19 Pandemic has brought to light the explosive need for Mental Health Services. A June Report (reference) showed that 40% of people admitted they struggled with mental health and substance abuse issues. Quarantines and shutdowns due to COVID-19 have made it hard for people to access behavioral health services. Our home care clients suffer from increased isolation which causes depression and anxiety at unprecedented rates. Suicide death rates have surpassed COVID death rates in many states. You can provide Behavioral Health services to help your clients manage their mental health conditions that we know impact their medical co-morbidities. Learn why and how your agency can provide Behavioral Health services.
Katherine Vanderhorst, PMH-BC, BSN, CCM, is the President and co-founder of C&V Senior Care Specialists. She is a board-certified psychiatric nurse with more than 30 years of clinical experience in Behavioral Health Care and Alzheimer’s Care and a Certified Care Manager. She is the co-developer of “The Road to Wholeness Behavioral Health Program” and “Becoming an Alzheimer’s Whisperer Program” and authored three books on Alzheimer’s care
Amy Craven, PT, MS, DPT, CCM, Vice President of C&V Senior Care Specialists, is a doctor of physical therapy, and a Certified Case Manager specializing in geriatric care. For more than 30 years, Dr. Craven has worked in healthcare clinical and leadership positions. Dr. Craven has co-published two books on Alzheimer’s care and presented at conferences and events throughout the U.S.